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Your Parish Council

Parish Council meetings take place in the Community Centre, Mary Day Close, starting at 7.30 pm (unless otherwise advertised). The meetings are open to the public and the press.

Councillors will take account of the balance of views expressed by residents when they are deliberating on matters during their meeting. For a more complete understanding of how council meetings are conducted, please read the Council's Standing Orders on our Policies, Rules & Regulations page.

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a meeting of the Council, but a public meeting of parishioners which must be held between March 1 and June 1 and is open to all registered electors. By law, the Annual meeting of the Parish Council is to be held in May or within 14 days of an election if occurring that year.

Next meeting of the Parish Council: 

Wednesday 10 July 2024 

2024 / 25 Upcoming Meeting Dates 

Parish Council Meeting                            Monday 2 September 2024

Parish Council Meeting                            Wednesday 6 November 2024

Parish Council Meeting                            Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Parish Council Meeting                            Thursday 6 March 2025